Tyton CX
Churn prediction and prevention: The competitive edge in the telecom business.
Telecom Solutions
Proactive Customer Demands Response: Safeguarding Customer Acquisition and Retention Efforts against High Cancellation Rates!
Tyton CX is a churn prediction and prevention solution that leverages AI algorithms developed to analyze customer behavior across service channels, combined with transactional data and engagement patterns.
By accurately identifying which customers are at risk of churn, Tyton CX empowers managers to take proactive measures to mitigate customer loss while implementing targeted retention campaigns promptly and effectively.
How does it work?
The precise combination of algorithms with recognized data lake technology.
Tyton CX is a cutting-edge solution based on the Dom Rock data lake architecture, where embedded AI algorithms operate in the ingestion and analysis of audio or text from customer conversations across service channels, seamlessly integrated with leading market ERPs and CRMs. All the complexity of the data is simplified, analyzed, and delivered in one centralized location.
AI Powered
Churn Alert! Identify customers at risk and take proactive measures for retention.
The churn risk analytics dashboard includes: Cohort analysis; Voluntary and involuntary churn risk analysis; Risk integrated into the customer lifecycle; Indicators that explain risks related to:
[1] Contract duration
[2] Reasons and topics of customer interactions
[3] Network usage profile
[4] Network quality
[5] Financial behavior
[6] Geographical region
All achieved through the combination of audio and text data from customer communication channels, integrated with CRM, ERP, and network telemetry.
AI Powered
Classifier - Customer Service Topics
An analytical dashboard showcasing topics extracted from customer service conversations, organized by:
Time series
Extracted conversation topics
Topics integrated into the customer lifecycle
Topics integrated into the churn risk module
AI Powered
Network Usage
An analytical dashboard showcasing customer behavior regarding network usage and quality, organized by:
Time series
Network utilization and prediction
Segmentation by network profile
Network quality and associated risks
Integrated network usage and quality into the customer lifecycle
Integrated network usage and quality into churn risk
AI Powered
Customer Lifecycle analytics
An analytical dashboard showcasing the customer lifecycle and potential value, organized by:
Cohort analysis
ARPU (Average Revenue per User)
Network usage (MOU - Minutes of Usage)
ARPM (Revenue per Minute of Usage)
Voluntary and Involuntary Churn
Interactions (channels)
MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue)
All dimensions of these analyses include predictions and trends.
Tyton CX.
Empowering Strategic Vision and Streamlining Managerial Planning
Key Advantages:
Uncover new opportunities in services to create unique differentiators.
Mitigate cancellation risks and drive proactive retention actions.
Expand analytical insights and gain a consolidated understanding of trends, as well as their impact on the future user base and overall business value generation.